
A tool for documentable and reproducible analysis and research.

Platforms & distributions

  • Python package
  • platform-independent source code


Development status

Stable, fallow.

Latest version

See below.


Although I used psicons heavily for a while, better and more humane tools have come along. In particular, I'd recommend snakemake. This page is left here for historical interest


Scientific analysis can be problematic:

  • It may involve multiple steps, each using the results of the previous stage.  Making a mistake often means repeating the whole series for safety.
  • Sometimes analysis chains have to be repeated on different datasets.
  • Sometimes, even within a single analysis, the same manipulation or test has to be repeated with slightly different parameters.
  • Even immediately after the fact, it's easy to forget what was done. 9 months later when responding to a referee's report, it may be impossible.
  • Collaborators, clients or bosses may demand accountability.
  • With long but routine tasks, it's easy to get bored and make mistakes.

It this light, psicons is a quick and dirty hack to subvert the scons build system for scientific analysis. Every stage of analysis is a command-line call to a script or executable that takes inputs and produces outputs. When scons is called, dependencies between outputs and inputs are tested and only those stages are run that are necessary to update outputs. In addition, the exact sequence of analyses is recorded by the build file.

In summary, psicons provides:

running a build file, reruns the same analysis
the build file (and custom scripts) document the steps of  the analysis
Minimization of effort:
if inputs or analysis steps are changed, only the  necessary (dependent) steps of the analysis are rerun
errors don't derail analysis due to reproducibility ("what  did I do") and minimization of effort (only dependent steps are repeated)
analysis tasks may be constructed with programatically  ("repeat the analysis across this parameter range")

psicons is very much a hack-and-see project, having been produced in the aftermath of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic from the need for complex processing of large amounts of sequence data using ad-hoc scripts and formats. It worked well in that limited role, but is still an early release exploring the approach. Functionality is limited and the API may change. Comment is invited.


This package can be installed by the usual Pythonic methods:

  1. use your favourite installation tool:

    % easy_install rst2beamer
  2. or download the source, unpack it, change into the directory and call:

    % python install

psicons requires that scons is installed, which is where things get tricky. Scons by default installs itself in a sandboxed way with multiple versions living side-by-side and thus being non-importable. Of course, psicons needs to use the scons library, so a conventional installation must be forced.  Download the scons tarball, unpack it and install it like thus:

% python install --standard-lib


A full API is included in the source distribution.

Psicons works just like scons. In fact, it is scons. More details are available elsewhere but briefly, you run scons like this:

# look for a build file called "Sconstruct" by default
% scons
# looks for a named build file
% scons -f mybuildfile

This causes scons to execute the build file, which is just a Python script, defining a series of tasks or commands:

# an scons build file
# some necessary administration - set up the build environment
env = Environment()
# compile two libraries and then combine into one program
first_libs = env.Object ('hello.c', CCFLAGS='-DHELLO')
second_libs = env.Object ('goodbye.c', CCFLAGS='-DGOODBYE')
env.Program (first_libs + second_libs)

The first time this file is executed, the first two commands build libraries, while the third combines the libraries into a single executable. Dependencies between the steps are automatically tracked: should one of the original source files be changed (e.g. hello.c), when the file is rerun only the steps "downstream" of it (e.g. recompilation of the first library, and the final linking) are rerun.

Scons has a large number of commands for all sorts of software builds. Psicons adds two new commands, so that local scripts or external programs can be used to in a build. In this way, complex multi-step analyses can be constructed from a series of interdependent commands, that "build" intermediate data and final results:

from psicons.core import *

env = Environment()

# call a local script
IN_DATA = 'jg_08-10_2010.csv'
CLEAN_DATA = 'jg_08-10_2010-cleaned.csv'
make_clean_data = Script (env, '',
    args = ['--save-as', CLEAN_DATA],
    infiles = [IN_DATA],
    output = CLEAN_DATA,

# call an external command
EPI_DATA = 'jg-types.txt'
type_data = External (env, 'treemaker',
    args = ['--save-as', RESULT_DATA],
    infiles = [CLEAN_DATA, EPI_DATA],
    output = [RESULT_DATA],

The interfaces of these two commands are similar:

  • what is being called?
  • what inputs does it use (depend on)?
  • what outputs does it produce?

When scons is run on this build file, it calls the script on IN_DATA to produce CLEAN_DATA. Then the external program treemaker is called on CLEAN_DATA and EPI_DATA to produce RESULT_DATA. Should EPI_DATA be edited, when scons is called again, only the second external step will be run again as the first step and it's results is still up to date.


  • Analyses may be run (and rerun) easily
  • If data changes (or scripts change - bug fixes), only the necessary steps are  rerun
  • The actions taken are recorded in the build file

To ease renaming intermediate or output files in a rational way, psicons offers a few utility functions for interpolating file names from parameters. To illustrate:

# generate a new string from a template
>>> d = {'foo': '123', 'bar': '456'}
>>> interpolate ('ab{foo}cd{bar}ef', d)
# name new file name from old by adding suffix to name
>>> interpolate_from_path ('mydata.csv', '{stem}-cleaned{ext}')


Certainly, far, far more complicated reproducibility tools are out there (see here) but many are based around certain disciplines (e.g. geophysics, computational math), require working through web interfaces or using very standard sets of analysis tools. psicons is written from the point of view of a bioinformatician doing sequence and phylogenetic analysis, working on the commandline using a lot of custom scripts and an endlessly changing lineup of supplied tools. As sometimes happens, other tools didn't fit, so I wrote one that did.

As with many quick hack tools, documentation is currently a bit thin.

The need for a modified scons installation is a blemish. Future versions of psicons may need to directly incorporate scons for ease of installation.

Clearly, a set of standard tools for extracting, transforming and plotting data would be a powerful addition to psicons. This doesn't exist as yet.

The process of installing a new tool or module for use by SCons is fiddly, involves copying libraries in a tool directory, registering  their use in build files, voids the ease of using easy_install and makes development a pain. Thus, the additional "commands" are real scons commands, so much as functions that generate commands. But they are easy to use.


Thanks to the architects of Scons, of course.

While this project was started before encountering Madagascar, it has inevitably shaped development. It's a remarkably powerful system, although ill-suited to my current purposes. You should check it out.

Only when writing this document did I become aware of sconstools, which seems to be following exactly the same direction as psicons.
